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Win a Bazaar Bag Indoor & Outdoor Giant Bean Bag

It's giveaway time again! Today it is your chance to win a giant ‘ Bazaar Bag ’ bean bag! The Bazaar Bag is the UK’s leading giant b...

It's giveaway time again! Today it is your chance to win a giant ‘Bazaar Bag’ bean bag!

The Bazaar Bag is the UK’s leading giant bean bag. Available to buy from, the enormous bean bag is high quality, incredibly versatile, comfortable and can be shaped into several different seating positions, so every member of the family will have their favourite sitting shape. In addition when the bean bag is laid flat it can sit at least two adults, which makes it great for snuggling up with family or friends.

Bazaar Bag - Giant bean bag floor cushions, two person bean bag, available in 10 vibrant colour options. Was £129.99, currently £58.49

Specifications: Approx. size: Length 180cm (71") and Width 140cm (55").
Double stitched for extra strength.
Double zipped for extra security.
Zip heads are covered – prevents scratches on floor.
Cover and filling complies to UK Furniture Fire Safety Regulations.

All you need to do to enter is complete the Gleam widget below. Good luck!

Win a Bazaar Bag Indoor & Outdoor Giant Bean Bag


  1. I was once given a wallpaper pasting table as a Christmas present - talk about dropping a hint!

  2. I was given a tyre repair kit by my 'ex' one Christmas - I gave to my brother for his birthday as I knew I would never use it! If my tyre needs a repair I call my dad!

  3. Worst was some weird yoga DVD

  4. I got a football annual one year. Even though I have never shown the slightest interest in football at any point in my life.

  5. I was once given a frying pan/and best one was my cat

  6. had lavender bath and home products - smell makes me gag!

  7. i was given a beyonce cd by my nan . not my sort of thing at all

  8. The best was a bracelet with my charms with my kids fingerprints


  9. a pair of novelty musical knickers from my sister :/

  10. a bottle of cheap tacky perfume :)

  11. An ostrich foot mounted on a wooden plaque with a brass ashtray perched on top

  12. The worst was a gag gift from my brother of chalk wrapped in tissue paper. I have a weird phobia of chalk so, of course, I dropped it and all this crushed up chalk went everywhere!

  13. What’s the best/worst gift you’ve ever received? . . . . . my best was my marriage proposal

  14. The best was a brand new iMac and the worst was a 20% off voucher to a shop miles away!

  15. Waking up on Christmas day with nothing x

  16. my worst present was a horrible jumper that was about 4 sizes too big

  17. Talcum powder - from elderly relative - I have never used that stuff...

  18. My worst gift was a pair of my Nan's knickers that she accidentally wrapped up with my actual present.

  19. A toaster for Christmas. From my partner at the time. No chocolate, no book, a toaster.

  20. A car, when I passed my driving test was the best present ever.

  21. A pair of knitted hand warmers in a rainbow of colours - made of wool that i'm allergic to!

  22. I once received a cushion with a photo of my cat on, not only that i had a matching photo in a frame..

  23. My best was a gold Motorola when I was about 12! It was my first one and it was so basic yet I loved it!
    My worst was a green knitted jumper with a reindeer! Back then this was not seen as cool an having a matching one with your older sister was even more uncool! X

  24. When I started Uni my Nan bought me a pair of pyjamas for Christmas! I did eventually use them 15 years later when I had to go into hospital for a minor operation.

  25. Once was given a book that the giver knew I already owned!!

  26. Best present my partner ever gave me was and still is my daughter, who arrived just after Christmas x

  27. A Christmas jumper. Hated it, never wore.

  28. a roasting tin, from my fiance!!! - so i gifted him one back the next birthday, i think i made my point!!!

  29. My worst present was a metal case with Garfield, i took it to school and i got bullied over it, I never took it out again,

  30. My best gift I've ever had was a personalised necklace off my Daughter!

  31. The worst was a full length Victorian nighty and to make it worse I went oh that's nice and I got another one the following year! Doh x

  32. the worst present was bird seed off my neighbour

  33. I've never received best or worst as am great full for any gifts I'm given xx

  34. Worst gift was a set of size 8 knickers (I was a size 16)

  35. Worst gift I got was from an ex on valentines day. He basically gave me pebbles, but claimed that they were healing stones - they defiantly were not!

  36. My Husband brought me a milk pan for my Birthday!

  37. Best gift was a diamond necklace - not had any really awful ones thankfully!

  38. I was given a DVD boxset by a friend (who shall remain nameless) . No problem with that, except I had given him that exact same boxset the year before. Talk about embarrasing

  39. Worst gift was a tin of Danish Butter cookies - as though that wasn't bad enough, they were a year out of date!

  40. The worst gift I have ever received was a half eaten box of chocolates

  41. Best present is a holiday worst socks

  42. my boyfriend at the time (now husband!) bought me an electric tyre pump for my 20th birthday!

  43. Worst - some stripy socks with individual toes from my Aunt - when I was 15!

  44. Worst gift is a gift voucher to gave my hair cut from my sister in law when she usually does it for free anyway. Best gift was a handbag from my husband after my kids ruined mine with lipstick

  45. My best gift was my kindle, I take it with me everywhere.

  46. A hamper of sweets was my worst. I don't eat sweets!!

  47. My best gift was a pot made by my son

  48. Best gift was an engagement ring :) ... Worst gift was a fireguard! Xxx

  49. the worse present I received was from my ex mother in law, for my birthday, she brought me a washing basket

  50. My cousin once bought me a toilet brush???

  51. I think the worse was when I was younger I got some baby toys, I was about 10 at the time!

  52. The best by far were my two little granddaughters - both Christmas babies. The worst - part of a tree branch. I've wondered for years why!

  53. My worst gift has to be a giant mug shaped as a toilet from my son. He thought it was great! I didn't lol

  54. An ex gave me a coffee cup he got for free from a doughnut shop for Xmas and to add insult to it, I don't drink coffee or tea

  55. A slinky I lived in a bungalow so it was an awful pressie

  56. I got a frying for Christmas once from my ex husband ... we're divorced now lol x

  57. I was once given a pair of bargain tights

  58. Washing up gloves with fluff round them

  59. Good luck to everyone! I was given jelly moulds ( i hate jelly!)

    Pop over to my blog!


  60. Still waiting 4 the best one

  61. I received an advent calendar....on Christmas day

  62. worse was a Pair Granny knickers when he did try so hard to but omg I not old yet giggles

  63. Worst was probably a cheap tool kit from my husband, shortly after giving birth to our first son and in need of some pampering

  64. The worse present i got was wax for top lip!!!!!! What they trying to say..:/ lol

  65. Worse was an ornament thingy made of odd rubbish....bloomin strange

  66. My worst was a concealer! :O

  67. The best i recieved was the keys to my house and the worst was some socks.x

  68. worst has to be a bottle of snore spray!

  69. The worst was from an ex-boyfriend - a pair of really tacky knickers that were 3 sizes too big!

  70. I was once given a pair of bathroom scales for Christmas - as someone who always struggles with her weight, I was not amused!

  71. Best gift was a baby born lol i wanted one so bad and i loved it.

  72. A crystal radio set to wrap around a tap when I was a kid.

  73. our son when he was about 7yrs old came home from school with a "mechanical santa" made from a yoghurt pot, a cotton spool, string and it was all decorated lovely. He said that some people dont have proper chimneys and he was too big so he made this so that the presents could go down the flue! you twist the piece of wooden dowel (which is santas arms sticking out) and his sack lowers...... it was just so funny and cute. Our son is 14 now and he is so embarrassed about it, but we get it out each christmas and that santa sits on our fireplace! I would never ever get rid of him!

  74. I got given this hot water bottle in the style of a very cutesy pig.......I was a goth at the time! I still can't work out how they saw it and though yup that's the perfect gift for Deni!. Dxx

  75. Sega Mega Drive - when I was 12 - AMAZING!

  76. Worst was a £1 shopping voucher

  77. The best gift i was ever bought was my dolls house when i was a little girl x

  78. The worst gift I ever received was a school skirt from an aunt when I was little. I'm sure she meant well and it was practical but I wanted My Little Pony :-)

  79. worst presents was a pair of scales

  80. Worst present spending time with the mother in law.. lesson learned never again

  81. I was given one of those little plastic balls you put on the end of your car aerial so you can find it in a carpark.

  82. The worst gift was a set of tea towels at the age of 12...... I'm not sure how old my gran thought I was lol

  83. I was given a really beautiful snooker cue in a case when we were really enjoying playing pool and snooker all the time.

  84. My worst present was car mud flaps that my boyfriend gave me when I was 18,I still married him though!

  85. Best gift was some diamond earrlings

    Lynsey Buchanan

  86. Worst gift was Flannelette sheets from my mother in law :(

  87. The worst gift I ever received was a saucepan set, kettle, vacuum cleaner and toaster. Got my own back following year with lawnmower and garden shears.

  88. My worst gift was from my husband a little book about how to cook the perfect egg.... I dont eat eggs!

  89. The worst would be some strawberry shaped soaps, they smelt really plasticky, I think they were a regift

  90. Worst gift: A certificate telling me that I owned a plot of land on the moon. It was meant well, but really not worth the paper it was printed on, let alone the actual price paid.

  91. Best Gift was a painting my Hubby bought me from a gallery we drove past on an almost daily basis. I saw the painting in the window & love it & then he bought it for me, even though it was of a big flower on a bright pink background! Looks better than it sounds :)

  92. Worst gift, a garden gnome dressed as a footballer. Have never liked gnomes, didnt have a garden and hate football!

  93. Some polyester night wear, I itch just thinking about it!

  94. Worst gift was a bottle of perfume that smelt like toilet cleaner, that I had to use whenever I went to see that relative

  95. Always love to get chocolates

  96. Best gift were some diamond earrings from my husband
    Sheila R @CakeReev

  97. Best gift ever was my puppy chug arthur love him to bits x

  98. The best gift I ever received was a necklace and earrings from my husband. The worst was an underslip that was 3 sizes too small.

  99. best gift a trip to harry potter studios and worst diesel green for men (i am a woman! lol)

  100. worst gift unwanted jar of picallliy

  101. worst was a top 3 sizes too big :/

  102. Haven't really got any bad gifts...
    My best present was my ps4 :) x

  103. boxes of chocolate when I have a nut allergy and cant eat them :/

  104. Best gift was my laptop when studying for my degree, was so needed and useful.

  105. my daughter made me a trinket , she glued the lid on but I still kept it because it was handmade

  106. Three thermal vests and a box of rose fertiliser

  107. Socks... has to be my worst :) the rest have been good x

  108. Polyester nightie in a horrible striped pattern

  109. a book on 'how to be the perfect housewife' from my mother-in-law.... to make it worse she gave me two copies.......think she's trying to tell me something?

  110. worst was a mint flavored tooth paste

  111. .Anti wrinkle cream, when i was 20! I got them a trip to venice

  112. Get this, as a runner up prize in a competition for a bike, they sent me a feeding Bra. and im not even married. as a joke I hung it out on the clothes line for the neighbours to see. but was surprized when a pair of BlueTits decided to nest in it. How Ironic is that. they did it successfully too. I must add I did not realise how much work they do. in and out of the nest nearly every minute, with a clutch of 3 able to fly the nest.

  113. a new vacuum from the hubby lol how romantic

  114. My ex once brought me a washing up brush, I guess u can tell why he's my ex :D

  115. my boyfriend's mum bought me the ugliest jumper you've ever seen in various shades of mud. She told me she thought it "suited my colouring" which was insult enough but when she saw it was about 4 sizes too small for me she started making comments about joining a slimming club in the New Year! The relationship only lasted another 6 months

  116. Best was a ring of my mum which I still cherish 30 years later-it's not valuable in monetary terms but means the world to me xx

  117. My hubby bought me a video recorder last pressie ever right? Then...we switched it on and popped some batteries inside, they lasted 10 seconds and the camera died, I went on to read some reviews and every review I read said the same thing! He took it back on Boxing Day and got a refund!

  118. A pair of pyjamas so big that the trousers would not stay up even when heavily pregnant!

  119. The best gift I've received is one of those world maps where you can scratch away the countries that you've been to! I'm an avid traveller so I love it

  120. I once accidentally re-gifted a present to the person who gave it to me in the first place!

  121. I received a book for a child :/ Best was an iPad!! :)

  122. A clown ornament - the person in question didn't know that I really don't like clowns though so can't be blamed!

  123. My husband surprised me last Christmas by presenting me with a stunning eternity ring. That is the nicest, and the best present I've ever received!

  124. My worst are any kind of beauty products, just don't like to use any so I always have loads of gift sets left over!
    My best was a holiday :)

  125. my husband brought me a hoover, we are now divorced!! Sharon L Johnson

  126. The best gift was my kindle x

  127. the worst was my auntie buying me some big knickers, I took them back embarassingly!

  128. My husband bought me a perfumed body spray from the body shop, it smelt lovely but gave me a rash - when I checked the bottle it was room spray.

  129. A box of black magic from an ex boyfriend.... black magic I mean NO ONE gives them as a present do they ??? Its not the 80's anymore!

  130. A gift voucher from my mother-in-law - so I could "wear some nice clothes for a change!"

  131. I once got a £5 gift voucher for a beauty salon where the cheapest treatment was £30.

  132. Best gift was a gorgeous necklace from my older 2 children

  133. Best gift was my engagement ring

  134. A bath set with a sponge, half a bottle of bubble bath and an empty space where the soap should have been???

  135. worst was a coat my mum gave me that used to be hers as a Christmas prezzie, it had a button missing and was about 4 sizes to big.

  136. Best gift was a thermal mug the Christmas after my first child was born, I was able to have hot drinks again :)

  137. Rubbish 'market' perfume! Lovely

  138. A half full bottle of off perfume! Off my MIL

  139. Best gift I ever received was my camera, I wanted it for so long, but couldn't afford it.

  140. best gift - a hand made card from my little daughter

  141. Best gift for me was my mixer! I love it! :-)

  142. Worst was some mouldy Chocolate of my nan

  143. my bike was my best present ever !

  144. My best was a laptop from my husband. I didn't have a clue! The worst was a build your own snow globe. I never did build it.

  145. a thick book on Boris Jeltzin

  146. Best gift was a trip to disney world when I was younger - worst gift hmmm either the under wear that was miles too big by an ex boyfriend ( like a size 28 thong and matching 48G cup bra!) who wouldnt actually believe me when I said they didnt fit and had a huff because i wouldnt wear them! or the tea and coffee set including lots of different teas and specialty coffees - I dont actually drink tea or coffee or any hot drinks!

  147. Best was my fiancé proposing to me. Worst was face cream, which was fine, but I got an allergic reaction to it!

  148. Worst - baby bath foam Best - iphone5

  149. Got an iPad few years ago not looked back since

  150. My worst gift ever was a "hamper" that my eccentric aunt made up of stuff she just pulled out of her pantry! All really weird stuff in jars and packets that was way out of date - up to 12 years out! Even the bottle of wine, someone had, had a go at it as the foil was picked off at the top and the cork was mouldy where someone had had a go at it with a corkscrew!!! The whole lot went straight in the bin!
    My best gift was a Satnav from my dad back 2007 I didn't expect it and it was just so fantastic!

  151. My worst was a toy ironing board when I was about 13. I really don't know why y Mum thought I'd prefer it over the latest 5star album!

  152. The best gift is a year long one and its my wife and children!!!

  153. Best was my first digital started a hobby which later would become my business.

  154. I'm not sure if this counts as a "gift" but my 12th birthday - I was so excited, first big party - all my friends there. Awkward age (pre teens) and mum comes out with a Teletubby cake. Reason, "I thought it'd be funny". Yes, it was - for about 5 weeks when people followed me round the halls going, "Eh oh!"
    Oh dear - nevermind :P She tried.... :)

  155. My best one was my daughter born on 22nd December quick and easy delivery a whopping 10ib xx

  156. A pink portable computer mouse.. and it was for valentines day! I wasn't impressed as I never used a mouse anyway! haha

  157. The best was the most beautiful diamond necklace,my husband was really good at choosing gifts and one year I said "darling,you really don't need to keep spoiling me ",the next year I got a paper shredder !.That'll teach me to keep quiet x

  158. A terrifying doll that was also a lamp - so it could scare me day & night!!

  159. Matching his and hers hand knitted jumpers in glittery wool

  160. Best was a signed limited edition Damon Hill print

  161. The best gift was a superbike track day

  162. the worse bread maker, as I hate cooking

  163. The worst was a thumbed an read copy of Harry Potter book complete with tea stains

  164. My worst was hankies - my elderly aunt gave me a box of embroidered hankies every Christmas!

  165. best present was my kindle as I read A LOT

  166. Aftershave!!..p.s i am female
